cute-as-a-heart button

Dear readers, I just had to share another cute-as-a-(green heart)button outfit that Wren received for her birthday. This time, a handmade dress from SweetPea and Co. So a-door-bell, right? The colors, the fabric, the thoughtful details. Love!

I especially love the detail on the chest. Isn’t that beautifully done and yet whimsical and fun?

In other (somewhat related) news, I am in desperate need of a new digital camera as you may have noticed… I’m looking for a new or used DSLR, which would be compatible with my Minolta lenses from my old manual camera. Sounds like a Sony Alpha series from my research. Any advice you’d like to share, lovelies? Do you have a DSLR that you love?

A real Fun Guy.

We’re soaking up the sun while we can because a bunch of wet stuff is coming our way. Or so “they” say. Honestly, dear readers, I’m looking forward to it. One word. Morels! I’m actually not a huge fan of eating morels, but the hunt is awfully fun. It’s just a great excuse to get lost in the woods for a few hours. And there’s so much mystery surrounding where you might happen to find them. Every year this seems to get even more confusing with new advice from just about everyone in northern Michigan. But NO ONE shares where they actually find morels, but they might share clues with you. If you’re lucky.

Supposedly helpful clues I’ve heard. Ground that’s been disturbed by a wild fire. Sandy soil. Near rivers, but not near a bog, silly. Six weeks after the ground thaws, but not if it’s been too dry. Never in clay unless there’s organic material nearby. Not near pines, but hardwoods, but not maples. Mostly oak and poplar. Right after a warm rain, but don’t wait too long. And be careful of those false morels! Are you confused yet? Whew. Last year, we found some right in our yard amongst some rocks at 605. And a friend found some in mulch that had just been delivered to her driveway. Boy that Mother Nature does love to keep us on our toes, doesn’t she? Crazy lady.

Maybe this weekend we’ll get out and look in our favorite spots. Chris likes to say, “Ash, you can always look!” He likes to say this throughout the year just to be funny and it always makes me laugh.

In the meantime, isn’t this illustration of a morel just lovely? You can order it through Etsy here.

Still got the Bunny on the brain? I think I’ve got the Bunny on the butt, if you know what I mean. Better get out for a run to burn off some of those mini Cadbury Eggs. Oof.

Happy Monday to you! Speaking of Monday, has the “meatless Monday” trend caught on in your nest? Thinking about it a lot. More on that in a future “ponderings of a wanabee vegetarian” post.



St. Patrick’s Day is coming up. Are you ready? Yeah, whatever that means. This is one holiday for which I do not even attempt to dress up. So I was caught a bit off guard when I crossed the street today and a gentleman whistled at me and yelled, “leprechaun!” What?! It took me another block to realize why he called me that. Yes, I am short. And yes, I was wearing green galoshes, a darkish green sweater and my new favorite green scarf in a wasabi-esque color. Ahem.

If I were to dress up, I might wear this hat since apparently I already own the rest of the outfit:

No, not really. Are you kidding me?

Do you have any big plans, dear readers? This Mamma does not have any bar-hopping plans on the agenda. No, but thanks for asking… That wasn’t really “me” before I had a baby and it’s certainly not me now. I might actually try to do a traditional boiled dinner with the potatoes, cabbage, corned beef, etc. Yummy! Grab some CEO Stout from Right Brain Brewery and we’ve got a party on our hands…

Love, your leprechaun friend.

Birthday Banner ponderings…

Time is zooming by and Wren is getting older every day. I suppose everyone is getting older every day, but it seems more monumental in a wee one, doesn’t it? The countdown to my little birdie’s first birthday (May 24!) has begun and I’ve been pondering party themes and decorations. I really don’t want a throw-away birthday with lots of paper and plastic junk. I’ve been thinking a lot about making an heirloom-quality “Happy Birthday!” banner, which can be used for years to come. Here are some ideas I’ve stumbled upon so far…

I love the funky colors and the whimsy factor in this first birthday banner, don’t you?

But I’m thinking of something a bit cleaner and modern. Like this one. This one is a better fit for our nest. Does it say boy and girl though? No, I’m not pregnant; just trying to plan ahead, just in case.

But I like the simplicity and fun shapes in this banner. This is definitely boy or girl, no?

And then there’s this possibility for a classic pennant-style banner.

What say YOU, dear readers? Any other birthday banner ideas you want to send my way? I could do a “boy” banner on one side and a “girl” banner on the other. I’m not really into “boy” and “girl” colors, but it might be a fun way to have two banners in one.

In other party ponderings…

I’d love to have an outdoor garden party for Wren, but Memorial Day weekend in northern Michigan is hit or miss. It could be 75 and sunny or it could easily be 40 and rainy…. arrghhhh.

Speaking (err, writing) of weather, it’s above 50 (!!!) and sunny in these parts. Yee-haw! Trying to suck up the Vitamin D while I can. Is it possible to make up for the last four months in one week? I’m going to try. Can’t hurt.


mid-winter lovelies

I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but it’s still decidedly mid-winter in northern Michigan. Although the bikinis are out in full force at Target, I’m still bundling my little birdie up and hoping for another solid month of skiing. Check out these hand knit lovelies for the wee ones in our lives… So cute!

I also had to share this cool snow sculpture of winter love birds that was erected in downtown Traverse City last weekend. One more reason to love living here! Thankfully, we do not take ourselves too seriously in the blustery north country.

After a rough week in our nest, we’ll all be back together again tonight. Healthy and happy. Yahoo!

What will you be doing in your nest this weekend? I hope to be cooking, baking, skiing, working on the craft room and snuggling up with my family. Have a great one!


Breaking news from Wren’s nest…

The wakeful nights mystery has been solved! Wren’s first tooth is breaking through and I think it might just belong to a shark. Ouch! Way to go, little birdie.

I realize it’s a little early to be thinking about the Tooth Fairy, but a tooth seems like it pushes a baby one step (err, crawl?) closer to being a toddler. So it got me thinking about tooth pillows and pouches. Of course, I hopped right on Etsy and found this adorable tooth pillow.

I also love this idea for making your own tooth pouch, found on the Purl Bee site. Cute and *sew* easy, right?!


Dear readers, how does the Tooth Fairy work her (his?) magic in YOUR nest? What successful teething aids have you used? Whiskey? Frozen waffles? Cold washcloths? …

On a side note, I’ll be posting lightly in the next few days as Wren and I are hitting the road soon. Detroit 2010 Or Bust, Baby! While we’re on the road together, I plan on bouncing some blog ideas around, which made me think, what do YOU want to read about? I’m thinking of doing some taste tests – first one being something dear to my heart and belly. Windmill cookies. Something to look forward to, right?!

Happy weekend to all the birdies in your nest.