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First things first, our paperwhites are in full bloom!

Have any fun plans for the weekend, lovelies? I’m hoping for a crafty one with Wren (with Phoebe tucked in one arm). Valentine’s Day is coming up! Anyone else flip the calendar to February this week and think, “hey wait a minute, how did THAT happen?” Yikes. Hey, 2012, slow down already. If you’ve got some time to lazily click around ye old Internet this weekend, start with these click-worthy corners of Cyberspace. Enjoy!

Happy weekend!

Happy Fall! Click on.

This photo was taken at our wedding – it’s been seven years this weekend, yahoo!

Happy fall, lovelies! My favorite season is officially here. Welcome pumpkins & bittersweet, apple cider & cozy scarves, curried squash soup & jeans, wool socks & beautiful leaves. I’m fond of sharing with people that I think summer is really a bit boring with its predictable and hot palette of blue, green and brown. Fall is so dynamic in northern Michigan with its sweeping storms, ever-changing clouds and wild colors. Green turning to orange, yellow, red.  And pops of aubergine! It’s odd to be so full of vigor and yet death and dying at the same time, no?

As Zane wrote the other day, we’re also now entering my birthing season (!) so welcome to you too, little birdie #2. We look so forward to meeting you. And soon! Today marks 35 weeks. Where has the time gone?

Do you have plans this weekend to nest, harvest, pick a bushel or two of apples, watch a football game or plant some hope-filled bulbs? If you have a few minutes while you’re cuddling up inside with a mug of hot cocoa, click around here.

Enjoy your first fall weekend! XO

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Happy Weekend, lovelies! This beach photo from less than a week ago (!) really seems crazy to me as we’ve had frost/freeze warnings the last couple nights here in northern Michigan and we’ve rediscovered our fleece jackets and sock drawers again. Summery summer is over. How do you feel about that? I love wearing a scarf, so I’m in heaven…

I realized that it’s been a long time since I did a Friday “click on,” so here goes… Some fun places for you to get lost in ye ole Cyberspace this weekend. Enjoy!

What’s been blowing your skirt up lately? Send me a link. XO