A few thoughts… and a few photos for you, dear readers.
90 degrees, buttercream frosting.
Hhhhmm, not exactly what I had planned, but most of the yummy cupcakes I made were thankfully consumed before they completely succumbed to the late May heat wave (and *they* say that climate change is a hoax, hhmph).
Taking care of a tired, hot, over-stimulated 1-year-old while frosting her cupcakes and placing cookies on a tray.
Again, never once when I thought about Wren’s party did I even–for one second–think that I would also be taking care of her at the same time. Duh. Hello?! Let this be a lesson, lovelies. Bring in the troops! Although I am 125% sure that I became a major pain in the a** to the people I love most, my family pitched in and made the party happen. “Mom, feel like doing a little ironing?” To which she responded, “No… But I will.” Remember, it was 90 degrees.. Only a Mom will iron your party clothes when the needle hits 90. Thanks, Mom.
Go ahead and invite a bunch of your friends with small children, but don’t expect to be able to talk with them.
After a couple hours, the yard cleared out and just my family was left. But I hadn’t really talked with anyone other than to ask if they wanted something else to drink or to order them to “please come sing ‘Happy Birthday! Now. Before the frosting puddles on the table. Please?” Turns out when all the adults are busy running around after the little people, we all just orbit around each other and rarely connect except with a few knowing glances, shrugs and a quick hug. The upside of this is that you don’t need many chairs for a kids birthday party because only a few people have the luxury of sitting down for a few minutes.
Now for some eye candy. So glad I asked my (favorite) brother to be my official party photographer. Don’t you think he did a great job?

Only once in your life do you get a plate of “1” cookies. This photo makes me smile.

“Wren’s nests,” courtesy of Grandma Judy.

Wren knew the party was all for her, especially the round of “Happy Birthday!” Here she is, so excited about being the center of attention. Trying her best to be as cute as possible. Funny how the wee ones pick up the signals, eh?

Happy Birthday, dearest Wren Sabina!