The birdies 13/52-17/52

Oh my, am I remiss in my weekly portrait posts. I’ll try to catch up in one hodge podge of a post. The blog has taken a back seat to life in the real world. That’s how it goes sometimes, eh?

So here goes, lots of portraits in one post – and not even in chronological order. As you’ll see I’ve been using my phone’s camera feature more too so the quality isn’t the best. But I guess I’ve seen worse, so I’ll just leave it at that and move on! Onward.

Easter 2014. Chris took the girls Easter dress shopping this year for the first time. Don’t they look smashing?!


So Phoebe isn’t a big fan of the camera right now…IMG_0988

Both birdies at Triple Falls again.IMG_0832

Kid in the candy store.


Soda fountain. Wren’s watchful eye.IMG_0677

The girl hardly EVER naps. Except on long road trips after some light reading.


Spring has sprung. Ice cream season is here!


This kid. She loves her naps. And her “owl penguin.”


One of the highlights of our trip was the time we spent at the Belle Isle Conservatory in Detroit with my Mom. A beautiful place and newly reopened. It felt so great.

Wren. Flower arranging.


Phoebe Jane on the loose.



Phoebe and Wren at the Belle Isle Nature Center (now called the zoo).


As soon as it hit 70, the girls were in their swimsuits in North Carolina. Funny kids.



I’ll try to get back on the regular weekly posting wagon, but I’m not going to make any promises… Any links to your portraits that you’d like to share?! I’d love to see them.

three year blogiversary


It’s been a little over three years since I started this blog and it’s made me take pause and reflect. Well, reflect as much as you can in very tiny increments of time with two birdies fluttering around. You know, I know you do, yes?

Like almost anything, change is inevitable and so it is with this little corner of Cyberspace too. I’ve written about a lot of different things and places I love, personal experiences like the loss of our first daughter or dieting, and most recently the blog has become more of a journal of my birdies with photographs and a few words here and there. It’s become more of an attempt to savor this fleeting time. Such is life, the ebb and flow.

I’ve dabbled in trying to monetize this space with sponsored posts and I’ve dabbled in writing for other blogs like Design Mom and Punky Brewster. I’ve done giveaways. I’ve also had regular features that have come and gone like Click On or Sunday Confessions. Remember those? I’ve posted about favorite recipes or home renovations, crafts and DIYs.

I’ve started (and stopped) other blogs and I’ve helped other people get into blogging. And I’ve wondered from time to time about starting different blogs based on different interests like gardening for children or an exploration of documenting our children’s lives. I’ve spent a lot of time wondering about the meaning of this space and why I come back here regularly. Blogging is a creative outlet, it inspires me to create, to be a better photographer, to write more clearly and thoughtfully, even to be a better parent. And for whom? It’s for me, it’s for my children and it’s for you: the community that blogs create.

We all know that blogs are not real life, but a carefully-curated snippet of life. Mostly the beautiful, the fun, the things we really want our children to remember or an image of how we want the world to see us. Over the years I’ve tried to temper this reality with more “real” posts about the challenges of raising small children in today’s world and the realities of a somewhat isolated life at home.

I’d love your input in the comments area, please and thank you. How long have you been reading? What keeps you coming back? What kinds of posts do you enjoy most? What other blogs do you enjoy reading? What would you like to see or read more of/less of here? What are some of your favorite blogs to read?

Thank you for being here with me, whether you’ve been clicking in for three years or three minutes.   T H A N K   Y O U !   T H A N K   Y O U !   T H A N K   Y O U !

thank you, lovelies

Thanks for clicking in on me today. I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for you, my lovely readers. Truly! Your comments and e-mails to me are important and I value this interaction. Many people leave home every day to go to a job where there is a paycheck and they have a water cooler or a coffee station, or an area where the donuts and cookies accumulate (and disappear): some kind of collective space to take a break, reflect, gossip, connect. When I’m home all day, every day, as a Mom, many days run together like a marathon of tantrums, crocodile tears, laughter, snuggles, negotiations and wonder, a roller coaster of emotions. And really early mornings when I try to cram in some work to pay my bills.

This space, Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail often serve as my water cooler, a place to share and connect. So from me to you, thank you!

If you also find value in what you find here, subscribe to the blog over there on the right-hand side. You’ll receive an e-mail when something new is published. Or heck, throw some change at me, to keep it going. My readership is growing each week and I’m thinking of adding a few sponsors to help keep ye ole blog going too. Know any small businesses who might be interested?

So happy to know you and appreciate your participation in this funny Cyberspace. Bliggity blog on!

click on

Happy weekend, lovelies. Do you have any fun plans? We’ve got a couple fun things planned, including going for a hike in the woods to hear the spring peepers and check out the first of the spring wildflowers. “They” say we’re going to experience a mix of rain and snow this weekend, but I’m hopeful that it’s mostly rain at this point. We need it to wash all the yuck away…

If you ARE stuck inside a bit, check out these inspiring links:

  • I had pretty much written off using crepe paper for decorating. Until now. Gasp!
  • Great ideas for making time in your life for crafting.
  • Rainy day blues? Dress for (colorful!) rainy day success.
  • Starting seeds this spring? Check out this handy calendar for when to start your hopeful cornucopia of veggies.
  • I love to click in on the Sweet Juniper blog and was thrilled to see the new hand-drawn header image. What do you think?
Here’s to a restful weekend. Whew.

Click on, please and thank you

Almost 50 and sunny here today! The robins are twerping, the crocus are blooming, the puddles are growing. Bye bye, winter, bye bye. Wait a minute! Didn’t we already go through this?! Ahem. We’ve got some fun things planned for tonight and Saturday, but Sunday? Nothing planned, just how we like it. Any fun weekend plans, lovelies? Thanks for clicking in on me today. Here are a few things I thought you might like. Enjoy!

Happy April, friends. Was that the longest March EVER? Whew.

Click on, lovelies

22 months old already, wow.

Truth be told, I’m a bit bummed. 12 and snowy is not exactly what I had in mind for Spring Break. Apparently I cursed myself by washing the little birdie’s snowsuit last week AND washing my car. I knew it was too good to be true. Sigh. I know, I know. We live in northern Michigan and furthermore, it’s incredibly boring to complain about the weather, no? Soooooo… how ’bout we get lost in the Interwebs for a while instead, lovelies?

Have a wonderful weekend, friends. XO

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to this tiny corner of Cyberspace and Happy 2011 to you!

I’ve been blogging here at BeSquirrely for one year now and thank YOU, dear lovelies, for clicking in on me from time to time and following my drivel. Without you this really wouldn’t be anything so I thank you for your encouragement to keep posting through your comments and e-mails. This year I plan to continue posting regularly and am thinking about a smallish site redesign and possibly looking for sponsorship this year too. Any small businesses interested? I’m here to make you a fabulous offer… ha!

All the best to you in 2011!

And yes, my favorite color is still orange.

It’s all about me?

It sure is easy to get wrapped up in one’s own little corner of Cyberspace, but it’s even more fun to get lost in someone else’s for a while. Agree?

I get lost in Progressive Pioneer‘s world from time to time and usually enjoy what I find.

It’s always thought-provoking even though I don’t always live on the same plane of existence. For example, I was happy to experience natural childbirth in a hospital setting and had a great experience; I don’t need to be in a birthing tub in my house surrounded by people to feel fulfilled. But I love reading about it through some of the birth stories…

Every day I get lost in Design Mom‘s world, but lately I’ve been turned off by the ads. I keep seeing Dodge, McDonald’s and Red Lobster. Gag. But I go back anyway because she always has beautiful insights on things and experiences in the world. Plus she has six kids so I like to imagine what that’s like. I mean, really, what IS that like?! Her blog is a beautifully filtered, curated version of life. Wonderful place to get lost.

And lately, thanks in part to my green thumb obsession, I’ve been checking out Make Grow Gather more often. Speaking of which, my gardens have just started to take off and I have to thin the seedlings today. Looks like microgreens are back on the menu, lovelies! More on that later…

Because of my penchant for everything orange and love of learning how to do new things, I always enjoy a click on over to How About Orange.

I also so very (very) much look forward to reading my lovely sister-in-law’s blog where poetry and food intersect: Middlewest. Poetry and food. Is there much more to life, really?

Where do you like to get lost in Cyberspace? What blows your skirt up? I would love to know. Happy Monday, lovelies.