baby talk.

If Wren could talk in clear adult language, she would say on a daily basis…

“bib? schmib!”

“spoon? schmoon!”

“bottle? schmottle!”

“yogurt? schmogurt!”

“sleep? schmleep!”

She often gives me a look, which I take to mean “who are you trying to kid, crazy Mamma?”

Yes, it’s just another one of those days…

Sunday Confessions #2

Being that it’s Sunday, I think a confessions-only post is à propos. Again. I did this a month or so again and I’m feeling like it’s a good time again…


  • I can’t quite describe how excited I am that we have a blooming purple crocus flower near our house. Yes, it’s true! Something is alive out there. Granted it’s in its own ecosystem that only the dryer vent can create, but still. I’m giddy!
  • For the first time in about six months of going to yoga almost every week and leaving Wren with Chris for a couple hours, I didn’t worry about her. I actually was focused on my practice. In a way, I feel great about it because that’s what I should be doing, but also a bit guilty that I wasn’t worried. Such is life. Oy yoy yoy.
  • The Girl Scout cookies were getting the best of me so I gave the last two boxes to Bert and Ernie. They (the cookies, not Bert and Ernie) were really good–as always–but I really have no self-control when there are cookies in the house so I’m breathing a lot easier now. Whew.
  • We have no “Spring Break” plans to speak of, but we love it when all of Traverse City goes to Florida for a week and we have the place to ourselves. Looking forward to a fruity beverage with some friends and a toast to staycations. Maybe I’ll even sneak in ten minutes at the “fake and bake.”  Really?! No, silly. Do you have any big plans, dear readers?
  • Thinking about putting together an Easter basket for Wren with all my favorite Easter candies. Ah the joys of having a wee one who doesn’t eat Easter candy yet! Selfish? Yes. What’s your favorite Easter candy? Easter used to be my favorite holiday simply because of the candy. Although it’s not my favorite holiday anymore, I still rank the candy at the top. Are my priorities really that juvenile? Don’t answer that.
  • This past sleepless week has pushed me one step closer to attempt some “gentle sleep training” with my little birdie. She’s almost ten months old. Does she really need to hang out with me every couple hours? It’s sweet and snuggly and I know it won’t last forever so I’m a bit reluctant, but my body and mind are beginning to become a wee bit … tired, for lack of a more creative, less hackneyed term. See? If I weren’t so tired I might have come up with a better term. Oof.
  • I love dogs, I really do. And it’s not their fault that their owners let them shit on the sidewalk all winter long. But now that the snow is melted and the *tootsie rolls* are revealed like land mines all over the neighborhood, it makes me sneer at every dog that I see. Especially the barking ones because they’re more likely to shit on the sidewalk, right? See the logic in all this? Dog owners, get your shit together.
  • We got a share of grass-fed beef from a local farm earlier this winter and I’ve tried really hard to find tasty ways to prepare all the different cuts. Although it’s better than commercially-raised and processed beef, I still don’t really like it because it’s still beef. I’m thinking a share of pork (excluding ham, YUCK) would be more up my alley… live and learn.
  • Wren’s new-found mobility is thrilling to watch, but I’m not looking forward to a walking Wren. Not for the obvious reasons, but because her beautiful, perfectly round, delicious toes will start to flatten out. Sigh.

Dear readers, what confessions do you have this Sunday morning? By the way, you are forgiven.



St. Patrick’s Day is coming up. Are you ready? Yeah, whatever that means. This is one holiday for which I do not even attempt to dress up. So I was caught a bit off guard when I crossed the street today and a gentleman whistled at me and yelled, “leprechaun!” What?! It took me another block to realize why he called me that. Yes, I am short. And yes, I was wearing green galoshes, a darkish green sweater and my new favorite green scarf in a wasabi-esque color. Ahem.

If I were to dress up, I might wear this hat since apparently I already own the rest of the outfit:

No, not really. Are you kidding me?

Do you have any big plans, dear readers? This Mamma does not have any bar-hopping plans on the agenda. No, but thanks for asking… That wasn’t really “me” before I had a baby and it’s certainly not me now. I might actually try to do a traditional boiled dinner with the potatoes, cabbage, corned beef, etc. Yummy! Grab some CEO Stout from Right Brain Brewery and we’ve got a party on our hands…

Love, your leprechaun friend.

spring forward

Are you a list-lover or hater? I love to make lists. Some mental, some physical. Preferably on a real piece of paper. Often I misplace my hand-written lists, but a lot of it gets lodged in my head anyway. I read once (or someone told me more likely) that one is more likely to remember something if it gets written down–not typed–with your human hand. Even if you never see the notes/lists/ramblings again, the simple act of writing something down is what makes it stick. Fascinating! I was a crazy note-taker in high school and college. Sometimes I would come home and rewrite my notes. I know, I am such a nerd at heart. Sigh.

I was thinking in the shower this morning (yes, I managed to take one today!) about what I’m looking forward to this coming spring.  So here’s my latest list.

Spring Forward

  • planting heirloom tomato seeds and watching them grow in our sun room/play room
  • splashing in mud puddles in my lovely pea green galoshes that meine Mutti got me for my Birthday (thank you!)
  • turning the compost pile
  • making some raised beds and hauling in some soil
  • singing “here comes Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail, hippity hoppity Easter’s on its way!”
  • attending the Cedar Rod & Gun Club’s 50th (?) annual smelt dinner (sounds weird, but we love it!)
  • watching the sap drip down the maple trees
  • planning Wren’s first birthday party
  • watching Wren discover the joys of mobility
  • listening to Wren babble
  • seeing Baby Turner #4
  • riding my bike to yoga again
  • taking family bike rides
  • going on our favorite wildflower hike to the Treat Farm in the Sleeping Bear Dunes. When will the trillium bloom this year, do you think, dear readers?
  • eating fresh asparagus every day
  • using the grill again
  • enjoying our front porch
  • morel-hunting in our favorite spots (no, of course we won’t tell you where those are, silly.)
  • and watching the spring bulbs pop out of the ground and push their way through the remains of winter, like this crocus:

What’s on your Spring Forward list, dear readers?

Remembering the babymoon.

Almost exactly a year ago we went on a “babymoon” to Palm Springs, California for a week and did a whole lot of nothing. It was a blast! Because we’re not venturing anywhere warm and sunny this winter, I thought we all could live vicariously through last year’s trip… grab a fruity beverage and dive in!

We stayed at the Desert Riviera Hotel, which is just a hop, skip and a jump (or quick bike ride) from lovely downtown Palm Springs. The boutique hotel is–in a word–amazing. Service is over the top and the wonderful owners (Larry, Patty and Judy) treat you like they’ve known you forever, in a good way.

Every day, we’d wake up and I’d wobble or waddle (I was pretty darn pregnant then) outside, grab a table and read the LA Times and surf the Internet until we felt like jumping in the pool. Then we proceeded to spend most of the day right there, in the pool. When we shriveled up too much, we’d get out and play a few rounds of Bananagrams (love that game!) Bliss!

This was our second visit to Palm Springs so we didn’t feel pressure to do too much exploring this trip. When we felt like venturing out, we went to our favorite places in and around Palm Springs. Yummy sushi and Mexican eats… long scenic neighborhood walks to enjoy mid-century modern architecture and funky desert landscaping…

a visit to Moorten Botanical Gardens for a succulent fix… this place is FUNKY and only three blocks from the hotel. Love it!

and of course, a visit to the Shield Date Farm for date shakes and the funny “Romance & Sex Life of the Date” film. mmmmmmmmm.

It was a wonderful, relaxing, memorable babymoon. We even got to watch the Oscars on LA time, which meant I didn’t have to stay up too late to see the end. Bonus! Especially for a pregnant lady who nods off around 8:30 this was indeed a special treat. Speaking of Oscars, are you going to an Oscar party, dear readers? Are you hosting one? What’s up with so many nominees anyway? Argghhh.

Hope you enjoyed your Cyber-trip to Palm Springs. I sure did!

marquee comic relief.

One of my favorite ways to enjoy the world (besides kicking chunks of snow off the car wheel wells) is to point and laugh at signs. Here’s one at our neighborhood watering hole that I had to share with you.

“Burg-Frys-Draft 5.99” a healthy choice? Now that’s my kind of health food! Also, free chips w/ sandwiches? I am THERE. Actually, the food is pretty decent here at Lil’ Bo’s except that Chris says they serve the world’s worst Carbonara. And if you clicked on the link, you would have discovered the world’s worst Web site too.

Go for the olive burger I always say. It’s a HEALTHY CHOICE.

finally broken!

Thanks for sending all the good anti-vicious cycle karma into the world for me. The vicious cycle has been broken. I am awake and happily working on making a batch of pecan rolls (from yesterday’s leftover pizza dough), cleaning up the house, getting organized and doing *work* for the outside world too. Oh, and here I sit, sneaking in a blog post…

I’m thrilled to report that after a long bout of teething-meets-the-wrath-of-the-virus, our sweet, funny, spirited little birdie is back. In a big way. Pizza night was a hit! Followed by a wild rumpus then the reading of Ezra Jack Keats The Snowy Day and what more can I ask for?

This is our nest’s new favorite book (thanks, Aunt Becky). The illustrations are fantastic (love the gouache meets collage technique, don’t you?) and what a great story of snowy exploration. To top it off, I am in love with the name Ezra. For a boy or girl, no?

Don’t you just love Peter? I just want to put him in my pocket – he’s just so darn cute. In fact, I suppose you could put this version of Peter in your pocket:

Dear readers, I hope you have a super hump day. It’s my birdie’s 9 month birthday today. She’s just about been out of the womb as long as she was in it. It’s bittersweet, isn’t it? How the time does indeed fly by. Before you know it, she’ll be in Brownies and I’ll be asking you if you’d like to buy any Thin Mint cookies. Sigh.

deep thought.

It’s been a bit rough in our nest this week so I’ll be posting lightly until life gets back on track around here. How goes it in your nest, dear readers? I hope everyone is happy and healthy and not too edgy from your Lenten fasting.

So here’s my deep thought for the day that I had to share with you.

It just hit me today as Wren and I were sitting on the couch together, munching on oyster crackers, that I have said countless times in my life something like, “don’t act like such a baby,” or “she is acting like such a baby.” I think this meant that someone was being whiny and annoying or super emotional and needy. WHAT?! No more! I like babies too much. I had no idea I liked them so much, but I do. They’re awfully needy (duh.), but pretty damn amazing too. I will no longer denigrate babies to describe an adult’s behavior. Isn’t it like someone saying, “this assignment is so gay!?” I remember trying to explain this idea at least several times a week to my students. Crazy teenagers! No, it is not homosexual and furthermore, homosexuals are not bad. And wait, this assignment isn’t either! Sigh.

Anyway. The baby phrase never made me stop in my tracks until now. Go babies! Thank you for another day of sleep-deprived enlightenment. Good night!

Nursery Rhymes & Whiskey Sours?

Hey Diddle Diddle, what do you think of a Nursery Rhyme-themed cocktail party? It hit me like a Mack truck in my way sleep-deprived state in the wee hours of today so this could either be brilliant or tasteless. Sometimes a bit of tasteless is brilliant, no?

Start with these glasses you can order through Fish’s Eddy and the party’s already a hit!

Maybe also order the coasters for a fun detail…

Make your own party invitations from these old illustrations you can snatch up for only $3 on Etsy. See how this is all coming together?

By the end of the evening, you’ll probably have your own Little Jack Horner, sitting in the corner.

If you were a nursery rhyme character, who would you be? I might be Little Miss Muffet except that spiders don’t scare me so I’d keep munching on my curds and whey (yummy!), thank you very much.