
We had a few “volunteer” pumpkins in our garden this year. My best guess is that they sprouted from the pumpkin seeds from last year’s compost pile. Their vines and huge leaves vigorously grew across the carefully-planted rows of potatoes, carrots, beets and tomatoes. By the dog days of late summer, they had taken over most of the garden; their vines reached up to the tomato and pepper cages on the north end and stretched up and down the rabbit-proof fencing. I just didn’t have the heart to rip them out, even though their showy leaves created a dense forest for the peppers and their prickly vines tangled up the asparagus and delicata squash plants. I just wanted to see what these rogue volunteers would do. I even started having daydreams of growing more interesting Martha-esque heirloom pumpkins since they seemed to just want to be here with us. It was meant to be!

They grew bigger and rounder, but they refused to give up their green hue. A little bit of orange here and there to be sure, but they never matured into the true orange pumpkins that garner big bucks at the pumpkin patches. I picked them anyway and hoped for the best, but when our pumpkin-carving night rolled around and they were still tough and green, I gave up hope. And I had let them grow in our garden! Sigh. So I let them be. For another day.

So what’s a Mama to do? Wren and I decided that even though Mother Nature hadn’t turned them orange, it would be fun to paint them. Take that! This might be our new Halloween tradition…

40 weeks + a time warp?

We made it to 40 weeks! It’s in the upper 30s and a bit blustery here in northern Michigan so I’m bundled in a wool sweater with my favorite winter scarf (thanks, Nic!). The baby is still in there somewhere, I assure you. I’ve never been this pregnant before. Uncharted territory, lovelies! Oof. Looking forward to meeting this new little birdie and beginning to reclaim my body. Enough already! Ahem.

I feel like something strange happened between Monday’s quick grocery shopping trip and yesterday’s trip, like I went through a time warp. I was under the impression that Halloween was just around the corner, but my milk was dated December 19!  I looked to my left and spotted egg nog, walked a little bit more and the peppermint ice cream jumped out at me, then in the produce area, fresh cranberries and pomegranates? Yikes.

Please don’t tell me you’re already done with your Christmas shopping because I haven’t even finished (err, started) my spring cleaning yet this year, lovelies…

the wedding

This morning, I woke up at 3:30 a.m. to head to the State Theatre for a live broadcast of THE wedding. Along with about 500 other people! I had a blast.
Here are a few thoughts on the big wedding…

  • Pippa stole the show. That dress? Gorgeous. I’m a bit concerned about her tan though…
  • The Queen looked just darling in yellow, didn’t she? I wanted to squeeze her soft, fleshy arms and give her a big hug, but I think that might be frowned upon.
  • I love scones with strawberry jam. And earl grey tea. And mini cornish pasties. And mimosas.
  • This inescapable urge to wear hats more often just won’t go away.
  • Harry is a lot cuter than William. And I feel a bit sorry for William. Losing his hair before age 30? Yikes!
  • My favorite part? Hearing William and Kate’s voices while exchanging their vows. I’m not sure I breathed. It really WAS just like a movie.
  • My prediction for the most popular baby names for 2011-2012? Pippa, Kate, Will.
  • I guess I’m a sucker for tradition, pomp & circumstance. Didn’t even know it!
  • Wondering how heavy those big black hats are that the Buckingham Palace guards wear? And how do you store one of those when you’re not wearing it?
  • It goes without saying (err, writing too) that Kate looked absolutely stunning. Although I think the eyeliner was a bit too heavy.
  • The music was beautiful – I just love those boy choirs. But I was concerned that so many of the young boys were already wearing glasses. What’s up with the British eyesight?!
  • I got to sit next to a real live princess: Baby Margo! I’m so glad my good friend, Kristen, invited me to go. What a memorable event!
They are just too cute, right?! And at 3:45 a.m. too!
Did you watch the wedding, lovelies? What did you think? Is this all just ridiculous? Yes, a bit. But it’s fun, no?!

wonders of Easter

We had such a wonderful Easter this year. It was sunny and felt so springy. New life! We spent most of the day outside when we weren’t eating one of our decadent meals or chomping on chocolate bunnies. The weekend was full of wonder for the little birdie (and us!), beginning with a real bunny sighting in our backyard on Saturday morning. Bunny!!!! Another highlight: Peeps? This is really a food? I just love the expression on her face below. Classic.

We also colored eggs this year using the simple McCormick food colors and the colors came out beautifully vibrant on the white eggs and deep and earthy on the brown eggs. It had never occurred to me that I could even use simple food coloring. Until I saw some beautiful pics over on Not Martha and wondered how she could achieve those amazing colors. Food coloring, duh! Last year I tried doing all-natural vegetable dyes and they came out all blah. Throw some “safe” chemicals at ’em and voila!

But wait, there’s more.

Magic seeds! We started a new tradition this year that we borrowed from my sister-in-law’s family. The day before Easter we planted “magic seeds” all over the lawn. We used grass seed, as I had plenty on hand from my egg cup project.  We checked on them several times over the course of the afternoon and evening and made sure to also say goodnight to them before bed. In the morning, we went outside to check on them and the seeds had bloomed (boom!!! says the birdie) into 200 Dum-Dum suckers!

And a little costume change for the afternoon… a pretty little Easter dress. Piddy dess!!! Oh, and another sucker. That would probably be number 6 for the day?

How was your Easter, lovelies? Full of hope, renewal and chocolate bunnies?! And a few sugar-fueled meltdowns to round out the day? What are some of your favorite Easter traditions? Will you send me a picture or a link, or share a story with my readers in the comments section? Please and thank you!

cups of grass!

Don’t you just love egg cups? I sure do. And I also enjoy soft-boiled eggs. AND I love the idea of eating the eggs in beautiful little cups. But I hardly ever eat an egg in one of our egg cups! So what’s a gal to do…?

Turn them into little planters, of course!

Lovelies, this is SO simple and rewarding. Bonus! Easy to do with your wee ones too. Have some potting soil, a bit of grass seed and a few cute little containers? You’re set. Want cups of grass for Easter? Let’s get growing!

First fill up your containers almost to the top with the potting soil because this airy stuff settles a lot once watered and you’ll want the grass growing near the top, no?

Sprinkle the grass seed in very liberally then dump in a bit more soil. Water the little guys and place them in a sunny spot. Then watch them grow! In less than a week, we had grass. I think it’s even time for a hair cut, don’t you think?

What fun spring/Easter projects are you up to these days? Send me some links! I’m looking for more fun Easter things to do with the little birdie…

spring break… in a box!

One thing that always helps me to get out of a woe-is-me funk is to cheer someone else up. So a few days ago I decided to make a “Spring Break… in a box!” for a good friend who also lives in the frozen, crusty, will spring ever come?, upper midwest. She just started a new job and you know what that means, lovelies: no vacation any time soon. So I shipped off this fun box to her this week and I can’t wait to hear her response. Hopefully she has a spectacular trip and sends me a postcard! Shhh, it’s a surprise!

Contents? The basics for a DIY living room Spring Break! Crank up the heat, pop in some cheesy music, throw the drink on ice… Relax!

  • a flowery lei
  • orange flip-flops
  • a couple shells
  • a fun cup
  • some tequila and orange juice
  • a few drink umbrellas
  • beach ball
  • and a coconut!

Full disclosure: I was inspired to make this gift from You Are My Fave’s Birthday in a Box idea. So cute, right?

P.S. Lovelies, don’t tell the USPS that I sent alcohol in the mail…

it’s paczki time

Happy Fat Tuesday to you, lovelies! Even though I’m not Catholic, I went to a Catholic school and some of the rituals have stuck with me. Especially the part about eating lots of decadent food on Fat Tuesday in preparation for giving up something for Lent. Since I feel like I’ve been on a major junk food, sugar-laden bender since the run-up to Halloween (!), I’m more than ready for a ritual cleansing fast. Do you follow a similar ritual? Or do you just like the part about eating a paczki or two? OK, me too.

And the little birdie is apparently a paczki fan too! Are you?

Merry Christmas, lovelies!


Golly, it sure has taken me long enough to get into the holiday spirit this year. I made a batch of these candy cane cookies today (Christmas Eve!) and as the bright, crisp smell of crushed peppermint wafted through the house, my heart warmed to the spirit of the season. Better late than never, right? Merry Christmas, lovelies!

Thanks for clicking in on me and all the best to you and yours.