Because sometimes your kids are just so darn cute it makes your cheeks hurt. This was an especially sweet moment this morning. Phoebe just loves her sister’s attention, including most of her wild antics. I’m not so hot on the antics, but I can see why a certain toddler just can’t help but squeeze her baby sister a little too hard…
Monthly Archives: February 2012
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First things first, our paperwhites are in full bloom!
Have any fun plans for the weekend, lovelies? I’m hoping for a crafty one with Wren (with Phoebe tucked in one arm). Valentine’s Day is coming up! Anyone else flip the calendar to February this week and think, “hey wait a minute, how did THAT happen?” Yikes. Hey, 2012, slow down already. If you’ve got some time to lazily click around ye old Internet this weekend, start with these click-worthy corners of Cyberspace. Enjoy!
- Yes, I just took our porch Christmas lights down (!) and things are looking especially bare around here. Some crafty heart window bling might be in order to obscure the melting yuck outside.
- a Mondrian-inspired sandwich and other low-commitment projects. Yes! First spotted on You Are My Fave.
- a photo of potted crocus has me thinking spring via Posie Gets Cozy.
- free, printable Valentine’s Card Creatures. Cool, funky ones. Really.
- more V-day fun. Decorate a plate with edible paint. Yum.
- Last year I said I would make this ice garland. Well, THIS is the year! If winter comes back…
- We made fox cookies last year for Valentine’s Day and we’ll probably have some fun with butter this weekend too. Any fun cookie ideas you can send my way?
Happy weekend!
two going on fourteen
- takes really long showers
- sleeps in on school days
- says (or said), “go away! I don’t like you.” sniff, sniff
- likes PopRocks and Cheetos
- excels at negotiation
- exhibits wild mood swings
- enjoys talking about (and smelling) farts
- likes talking on the phone
- listens to loud music
- laughs at her parents
- stays up too late
- fights for her right to party
- hits boys and then kisses them
- pesters her sister
- loves passionately
- thinks and acts independently
- walks away without looking back
That’s right, Wren. Two going on fourteen. Many people (including strangers who interact with us for less than two minutes in the grocery store) have said to us, “wow, you’re in for it.” I’m not sure exactly what that means, but we’re hoping that she’s just getting some of her teenage behavior out of the way now. Hey you, I can hear you laughing at me. Stop that! Oof. Ahem.
Does this ring true for your two year old girl too? Thoughts, anyone? Are we really “in for it?”