what she’s into

Wren is now 20 months old. That means she’s on the cusp of two. Yikes!  In fact someone asked me recently how old she is now and I even said “almost two.” I’m getting a little sick of declaring how many months she is. Other parents of young children understand, but still. Another thing parents of young children understand is that we’re tired of talking about being tired. I think discussing how much (or little!) your child sleeps is just about as interesting as sorting through a sock drawer. It passes the time, but how much does it really say about a person? It’s akin to sharing thoughts on the weather forecast. Everyone does it, but it doesn’t make it meaningful. I’d rather focus on how someone enjoys spending her wakeful hours. So what’s the little birdie really into these days? Thanks for asking.

  • eggs
  • stickers
  • painting, drawing, coloring, scribbling, occasionally eating a marker tip
  • reading books
  • watching Jungle Book and Dumbo
  • dipping Oreos (“Joe Joes!”) into milk and making a huge, yummy mess
  • talking, talking, talking – so many clear words now, I’ve lost count! Yesterday’s additions? Gosh, fun, honey, rats!
  • brushing and flossing her teeth and then spitting into the sink
  • playing with her babies and acting like a baby
  • having a dance party with Papa
  • running in circles around the house
  • Check out the Eco Clean Solutions website (please, God, help me to find half as much enjoyment in cleaning),
  • playing in the snow and riding in her sled while yelling “weeeeeeee!”
  • being sweet one minute and CRAZY the next
  • laughing, goofing around and being the funny one in our nest
  • playing and singing ring around the rosie, trot ole Joe and row, row, row your boat, the wheels on the bus and the itsie bitsie spider
  • watching a slideshow of herself on the computer. Points to the computer and yells, “Wren Wren Wren!”

such a delightful, charming, feisty little girl, that little birdie. Clearly not a baby anymore.

18 things

Today our little birdie is 18 months old! I know it’s trite to say “time flies,” but it really DOES. It seems like we just celebrated her first birthday and it also seems like she was just born. Last week, maybe? Time plays tricks on us though because it seems on the other hand that she’s been with us forever; she’s such an integral part of us. So I’ve been thinking about the last eighteen months and what I’ve learned. So here you are, dear readers, 18 things that have dawned on me in the last 18 months…

18 things

  • I do not like yogurt with fruit on the bottom. The time it takes to stir it up to a consistency that will make the birdie happy is not worth the result. At all.
  • I am not particular about diapers. Anymore. First I started out using some cloth, then eco-disposables and now I buy the cheap Target brand and that’s fine with me. At least they don’t sport licensed characters. That’s where I draw the line. Yes, my green guilt has vanished. Bigger fish to fry.
  • A couple Baby Einstein DVDs I checked out from the library have saved the day on many occasions. Do I think they will make Wren smarter? No. Do they buy me 20 minutes while I’m trying to get dinner on the table or have a conference call with a client without a toddler playing with the phone? Absolutely.
  • Here’s where I gush. I had no idea I could love anyone or anything so much. Awww. Really, it’s truly amazing.
  • Being a girl is a lot of fun. Wren has reminded me of this. It’s a riot to dress up, wear colorful things, be obnoxious, cute and silly. We should do more of it, eh?
  • Working from home sounds idealistically dreamy, but it is really difficult. Balance, schmalance.
  • Hot caffeine is so much better than cold caffeine. Plain potato chips are far superior to the super crunchy, kettle-fried kind.
  • I used to love to sleep in whenever I could, but now the only time I get to myself is early in the morning so I’m motivated to get my a** out of bed before life begins to swirl all around me again.
  • I miss going to the movies. Especially the part about escaping to another world and not worrying about someone else.
  • The only thing about being pregnant that I miss is that my hair didn’t fall out then.
  • While I miss the camaraderie of an office environment, I don’t miss wearing “big girl” shoes.
  • Blue eyes are the most beautiful when they’re on your own child. Especially when I never pictured my child with blue eyes.
  • I can now understand why people are protective of their children. She was INSIDE of me after all. Woah.
  • There is not much better in the world than the sound of your child’s laughter.
  • I thought for sure I’d have a child who was a good eater, but after starting off as a good eater, she’s quickly turned into a normal toddler who–left to her own devices–would prefer to only eat candy and sausage. Sigh.
  • I thought the little birdie would be weaned by now too, but the boob is still a fundamental part of her life so that’s how it is and I’m thankful to have this relationship with her. I know a day will come when she’ll want nothing to do with me or my boob (Mom, how ridiculous!), but I’m happy to be the center of her milky universe for now.
  • Even on the days that are difficult and completely draining and only lead to long, sleepless nights, the sight of the little birdie with her big smile and wild hair in the morning never fails to make me smile.
  • I’ve given up reading child-rearing books; they only serve to make one feel bad. I’ve learned to do the best I can on a day-to-day basis and be happy with my choices and know that as long as the little birdie is happy and healthy, laughing and exploring, all is well.

Wren’s edible nests

Wren’s guests were wowed by her edible nests, which Grandma Judy made for Wren’s party. She makes these darling treats every year for Easter, but I asked (begged) her to make them for Wren’s birthday party too. She lovingly shared her recipe for the nests too. Here it is!

Wren’s Edible Nests

This recipe makes between 30 and 40 nests, depending on how large you make them.


12 oz chocolate chips

4 1/2 oz peanut butter

10 large shredded wheat biscuits

Bag of jelly beans – enough for 2-3 beans for each nest


Melt together the chocolate chips and peanut butter in the microwave or a double-boiler, if you have one. Meanwhile, break apart the shredded wheat biscuits while they are still in the package then empty into a bowl. Pour the melted chocolate and peanut butter goodness over the shredded wheat and combine. Form into nests with your hands and place the jelly beans in the centers. Form on cookie sheets covered in wax paper then chill in the fridge to retain the shapes. Enjoy!

Thanks, Grandma Judy!

Wren’s Birthday bash!

A few thoughts… and a few photos for you, dear readers.

90 degrees, buttercream frosting.

Hhhhmm, not exactly what I had planned, but most of the yummy cupcakes I made were thankfully consumed before they completely succumbed to the late May heat wave (and *they* say that climate change is a hoax, hhmph).

Taking care of a tired, hot, over-stimulated 1-year-old while frosting her cupcakes and placing cookies on a tray.

Again, never once when I thought about Wren’s party did I even–for one second–think that I would also be taking care of her at the same time. Duh. Hello?! Let this be a lesson, lovelies. Bring in the troops! Although I am 125% sure that I became a major pain in the a** to the people I love most, my family pitched in and made the party happen. “Mom, feel like doing a little ironing?”  To which she responded, “No… But I will.” Remember, it was 90 degrees.. Only a Mom will iron your party clothes when the needle hits 90. Thanks, Mom.

Go ahead and invite a bunch of your friends with small children, but don’t expect to be able to talk with them.

After a couple hours, the yard cleared out and just my family was left. But I hadn’t really talked with anyone other than to ask if they wanted something else to drink or to order them to “please come sing ‘Happy Birthday! Now. Before the frosting puddles on the table. Please?” Turns out when all the adults are busy running around after the little people, we all just orbit around each other and rarely connect except with a few knowing glances, shrugs and a quick hug. The upside of this is that you don’t need many chairs for a kids birthday party because only a few people have the luxury of sitting down for a few minutes.

Now for some eye candy. So glad I asked my (favorite) brother to be my official party photographer. Don’t you think he did a great job?

Only once in your life do you get a plate of “1” cookies. This photo makes me smile.

“Wren’s nests,” courtesy of Grandma Judy.

Wren knew the party was all for her, especially the round of “Happy Birthday!” Here she is, so excited about being the center of attention. Trying her best to be as cute as possible. Funny how the wee ones pick up the signals, eh?

Happy Birthday, dearest Wren Sabina!


Thank you, weather committee.

Although Sunday is two days away and a lot can happen (this IS northern Michigan after all), I’m thrilled with the weather committee’s work. Sunny and 80 “they” are predicting. Yahoo for an outdoor garden party with lots of very small people because an indoor garden party is kind of ridiculous, right? So happy about this that I already made a little sign to hang across the front steps.

Still lots to do, but I’m just tickled to be celebrating the little birdie’s first birthday party that my excitement is sort of trumping my fatigue/stress/anxiety. In the midst of it all, we’re refinancing 605 and the appraiser guy is coming this afternoon. All that finance stuff makes my head spin, but luckily Chris is in my life and he makes me feel at ease about all of that yucky number stuff. Ugghhh. I know it’s worth it, but when it rains it pours, eh?

Have any fun summery weekend plans? I’m so very looking forward to seeing lots of family and friends. I’m pretty sure I’ll need a vacation come Tuesday, but in a good way.


cute-as-a-heart button

Dear readers, I just had to share another cute-as-a-(green heart)button outfit that Wren received for her birthday. This time, a handmade dress from SweetPea and Co. So a-door-bell, right? The colors, the fabric, the thoughtful details. Love!

I especially love the detail on the chest. Isn’t that beautifully done and yet whimsical and fun?

In other (somewhat related) news, I am in desperate need of a new digital camera as you may have noticed… I’m looking for a new or used DSLR, which would be compatible with my Minolta lenses from my old manual camera. Sounds like a Sony Alpha series from my research. Any advice you’d like to share, lovelies? Do you have a DSLR that you love?

Invites. Check!

So I’m a bit behind in Wren’s birthday party planning. I JUST got the invites out and the party’s on the 30th… Did I mention that I was a bit behind? But I’m really happy with the design. Just wish I had gotten it done last week. Alas…

  • Invites. Check!
  • Birthday banner. Check! Although I had a ridiculous (?) thought yesterday that I would make a new one in fuchsia and tangerine to match the other party elements…
  • Cups and napkins. Check!
  • Cupcake ingredients. Check!
  • Candle in the shape of a number one. Check!
  • Menu of sugary goodness. Check!
  • Thumbelina zinnia plants growing well for the favors. Check!
  • Party dress. Check!
  • Beautiful weather…. ?
  • Thinking of making some of these wheatgrass centerpieces for the dessert table. Have you ever done this? I like these. How springy!

Now I’m pondering a fun activity for the older kids – other than eating sugar. Any ideas, dear readers?