Happy 3rd Birthday, Wren Sabina!

We celebrated Wren’s 3rd birthday at her favorite park last weekend with a “turquoise” party. Her first birthday featured orange and pink and her second featured purple. I wonder what next year will bring? 4, what?! Yikes.

There was ample sunshine after a long morning of heavy rain, wind, thunder and lightening. Phew. Lots of smiles from the little birdie amidst her buddies – she just loves a party! And no meltdowns. She’s becoming such a big girl.

We had fun making this number “three” pinata for the party after Wren kept seeing a Dora pinata at the store. She really wanted one and I really didn’t want one… I tried to tell her, “but Wren, you wouldn’t want to hit Dora, would you?” To which she looked at me, exasperated: “Mama, it’s not really Dora. It’s a Dora PINATA.” Duh. We got her involved in making it and Dora was forgotten. For now.

More on the pinata making process soon. Stay tuned!

Oh little birdie, we love you so much. Happy birthday!

three is fun

My little baby birdie turned three this week. Crazy! As it turns out, being three is a blast. More insights later – looking forward to a fun rainbow! strawberry! “turquoise!”party for the little birdie this weekend. Enjoy some recent pics. Do you wish you could be three again? Aah, the simple things…

Being three is also very exhausting. And not just for the Mama!

Happy 3rd Birthday, my lovely little lady!

six months

Our darling little Phoebe Jane is six months old. We all are just crazy about her. Even a little old lady at the store said, “When I look at her, I can understand why people steal babies.” We’ll take that as a compliment, but we’re going to keep her extra safe.

This also means that it’s officially halfway to Halloween. And I just tossed the rest of last year’s candy. My diet couldn’t take staring at the fake pumpkin bucket ANY.MORE.

four months

Our sweet and lovely Phoebe Jane is four months old! She loves to snuggle in her blankie and play an infant version of peekaboo with us. We are just so thankful to have such a wonderful baby in our presence: easy-going, tolerant of her sister’s antics, engaging, charming. What a gift for whom we are so very grateful. We love you, little sister! But stop growing up so fast, will ya?

clever friend

Last weekend I celebrated my 35th (!) birthday. One of my favorite surprises came in the form of a birthday letter written on three postcards that were transformed into a puzzle. Such a thoughtful gift with a fun activity for Wren and me. Bonus: the pieces were hidden in all the pockets of a funky orange bag, yesssssss. Why didn’t I think of this clever idea!? Because that’s what clever friends (thanks, Beth) are for, lovelies. Yes, indeed I will be stealing this idea and passing it on to other friends. You?

for Hoppy

Today’s my Dad’s birthday and Wren drew a picture for Hoppy (of Hoppy), what all the grandkiddos call him. So cute I just had to share! Hoppy’s lucky because almost every person she’s drawn lately has “seaweed” all over them, which means that she draws lines all over the picture. This then obscures their potato head-esque features… but not Hoppy. Happy birthday, Hoppy!


two and a half

Happy half birthday to my (biggest) little birdie! Seems like you just turned two, but the calendar tells us that you’re now halfway to three! Although your cheeks are still round as a cherub, you open your mouth and out flow your thoughts, which are wise and wondrous and well beyond your two and a half years. Papa and I think you will probably surpass us soon with your vocabulary, memory and deep thoughts. You just don’t miss a bit, little lady. You keep us on our toes and we’re so very thankful for you and your uplifting spirit. You bring so much joy to so many people. XO Mama