22 months


Phoebe Jane is 22 months old now. Oh, one, where are you going? You’re getting away from me too quickly. I just love this year from one to two. And of course there’s magic and wonder and all of the above in two to three, but there’s also a tiny bit of dread. Baby is going away. Toddler of two? Oh my.

Truth be told, a held a dear friend’s less-than-24-hours-old baby boy and Phoebe–while still tiny–is clearly NOT a baby anymore. She runs and jumps and climbs, talks more and more every day, is quick with a smile and giggle, loves to use the potty (!) and dance, kick the soccer ball and swing HIGH. Sometimes she’s like a train wreck. Often she’s a sweet snuggle, a wide-eyed ray of pure sunshine. We love you, darling little birdie.


We’re all so excited that we’re entering the stage of two-syllable words with the littlest birdie! Of course she also says Mama and Papa, but they don’t really count, but “apple” certainly does. And it’s the same as Wren when she was about this age, crazy! Enjoy.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/60474774 w=500&h=375]

apple from Ashlea Walter on Vimeo.

15 months


Our funny little bunny, Phoebe Jane, is now 15 months old. She’s still a tiny little birdie, but so full of personality. And a fierce lover of chocolate, just like her Papa. If I had to choose just one word, however, to describe this dear child it would be “sweet.” She just radiates sweetness. She loves to snuggle, hug and kiss her dolls and cuddle up with anything and (almost) anybody. Happy 15 months, lovely lady!


phoebe walks!


Our littlest birdie is walking! She’s actually been walking here and there for a few weeks, but I think she’s mostly walking and just a tiny bit scooting now. Snap! She’s a toddler. I love this stage when one day, she’s a baby and the next–really, the next–she’s walking away from me with arms full of stuff. The strength to size ratio at this age is so crazy! As Chris says, she’s like an ant. Except, um, so much cuter! I had forgotten how much I love this year from one to two as I was mourning the loss of Phoebe as a baby in our arms. This curious, beautiful sponge is keeping us on our toes, right where we should be.


Her cherubic cheeks are deceiving. Phoebe Jane is a wee one. I had to bring her in for another weight check and to share a food diary we had to keep for her. She’s (almost) 15.5 pounds now on the cusp of 13 months. Tiny but mighty. She’s not skinny, just petite. After her appointment, we had to collect a urine sample and get blood drawn at the hospital. It was a terrible morning! Poor Phoebs. Poor Mama. Poor phlebotomists. Oof.

Finally at the end of the day I got a call from our Doctor that all is well as far as they could tell from the tests. “She seems to be just following her own curve.” Phew.

carving out a bit of space

While her sister is being showered with birthday wishes, presents and almost daily “she’s the world’s cutest baby!” attention, our almost three-and-a-half year old is carving out a private space for herself behind the couch. It’s really the only space where Phoebe can’t possibly get to and I’m certainly not going to lift her up and over to join her sister, although she begs for me to. Because she wants to be wherever the biggest birdie is. At all times. Wren has started to slam the door to the bathroom when she needs to use it and yell, “I need some privacy!” Phoebe scoots on over, stands up on the door and bangs her hands on the closed door. Speaking of which, I needed to get some plumbers for drain cleaning, because it had been causing too much of a problem. Just a preview of the teenage years or are they getting it out of their system now? Oh my.

Some people told me that three was harder than two, but mostly we’re enjoying it. Wren likes to talk about everything and anything, she has an incredible sense of humor and is really into pretend play and helping around the house. Tantrums have mostly disappeared, but those may have been replaced by whining… Sigh. She enjoys going to school, going to dance class and playing with friends. She is very social, so it’s interesting to me that she’s begun to also seek some space just for herself.

Oh biggest birdie, we love you oh-so-very-much. We ALL love to see you change and grow. xo