Return to Sand Mountain

I’m not really a nostalgic person; I don’t usually try to relive great moments; I also don’t really enjoy sitting around and chatting about the “good ole days.” But when Chris suggested heading out to the Dune Climb, aka Sand Mountain, I jumped at it. But it wasn’t really because we had such a great time there earlier this fall. It was because it seemed daunting to take our whole family of four (!) out there and I knew it would do all our spirits (and lungs) good to GET OUT. And we did it! And had a great time. Every time I get out with both girls and get home safely without any complete meltdowns or disasters, I feel like I won the lottery. Maybe not a big, retire-now-and-travel-the-world lottery, but a decent one. Yes!

0 thoughts on “Return to Sand Mountain

  1. It is sooo beautiful up there! Did the Phoebs get to enjoy the view at all? Maybe in the spring … what a wonderful famiy you are!

  2. I certainly can relate to feeling as though I won the lottery everytime I got out of the house and back with both girls….well, shoot, I still feel that way. Now they’re singing songs together in the back of the car, and Mama, it’s awesome. Enjoy, and cheers to you and yours for going back to sand mountain. xoxo

  3. Pingback: first camping trip « Be Squirrely

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