@#$@*&&**! tree

Welcome to my pity party! So glad you’re here.

So this morning our tree tried to poke my eye out! After several hours at the urgent care, they determined the diagnosis: corneal abrasions. Boo hoo. Have you ever cut your eye? It is very painful and what’s worse, you need your eyes for (almost) everything. Boo hoo again. Lest you think I’m going to continue complaining about my poor eye, I have some humor to share.

A woman (whom I shall call “Shannon” because I think that was really her name) with two small, sick children tried to pick me up. Or so I thought because she kept telling my how she thought I looked so smart and had such nice skin and I was wearing such cute boots, blah blah. I was sort of flattered and sort of weirded out until she told me that she is a Mary Kay rep and asked if I would like a free facial. Guffaw. I felt sorry for her so I gave her my phone number so I guess I have a looming date with a Mary Kay rep. Sigh. Do you think she just hangs out at the urgent care clinic, waiting for people who are sick, injured and otherwise incredibly distracted? Probably not, but it’s fun to wonder. Aaahhh, pain killers. You are so odd.

0 thoughts on “@#$@*&&**! tree

  1. Too funny about the Mary Kay rep. Gotta give it to her for offering a facial in the Urgent Care waiting room. Sorry about your eye! Keep up the good work and get well soon!

  2. Naughty tree. Naughty, naughty, naughty. I hope you gave it a time out.

    But don’t turn down the Mary Kay facial!!! I quite like the Mary Kay products – maybe you will too.

  3. aww, get better soon Ashley! Do you have to wear an eye patch? What color? My dad had eye surgery and looked like a pirate for months afterwords. I think I would try for multiple colored patches, just for fun.

    As for Mary Kay, my neighbor does that and asks almost every female she meets to give a facial. She really likes it. I get all my makeup from her, and I love the stuff. Enjoy the pampering when it comes!

    • You know, I wish I did have an eye patch. But no, just a gooey, red eye! So maybe this whole eye fiasco meets Mary Kay was meant to be and my wrinkles will disappear and I’ll feel like new again?!

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