So here are some *deep thoughts* I’ve been pondering as of late…
- Cookies (and other processed yummies) are stacked high and wide between current me and me at my ideal weight. So WHY did I buy more cookie cutters? Sigh.
- I’m not very good with small talk at parties, but I’m trying to be more enthused about it. Making a list of conversation-starters. Checkin’ it twice. Do you have any you’d like to share? Do you enter a social situation prepared with ideas you know you’d like to talk about?
- Will Wren be walking around during her first birthday party? Care to place a bet?
- A friend asked me recently what my goal is with this blog. Gosh, good question. Have any thoughts on this, dear readers?
- I’m trying to be more disciplined, but I keep tripping over myself in the process. So I signed up for a race this summer because this usually helps me to “get on track” in all aspects of my life. I’ll let you know how that goes…
- I’m reticent to admit this, but I’m starting to take pleasure in keeping house. Scrubbing toilets is actually on my weekly mental calendar. House wife?! Wow.
- When Wren’s asleep during the day, I miss her presence. Am I addicted? Me thinks, yes.
- How do you teach someone that although they are the center of YOUR universe, they’re not the center of THE universe?
Happy Sunday to you! It’s Spring Break in our corner of the world and things are quiet. It’s lovely.
I’ve done the cherry 5k the last two summers to keep me motivated. I started running as an adult and I need races and other events to keep me honest. I did the Zombie Run and the Turkey Trot last fall but have not been running. I had good intentions (with spring break and all) but I need to sign up for a race or two as an incentive. Maybe I’ll see you in July.
Wasn’t the Zombie Run fun? I loved that race. Did you dress up? If you ever want to run, there are a few Mammas and babes who meet at the library on Wednesdays at about 10:15 for a run down Boardman Lake. Happy trails!
Yes, I did. It was a blast.
I’ll have to work my way back up to some distance. I’ve been off for so long I’m not sure I could keep up but once school lets out in June maybe I’ll take you up on the invite; I love that trail.