Wellness, peace, creativity and adventure to you and yours. 2016 is going to be great.
well there goes 2015
painting again!
So I fell off the blog bandwagon a few months ago with my photo series posts. But you saw that coming when I missed a few (or months) and starting grouping them together. And so it goes in this little corner of cyberspace this year.
I have something VERY exciting to share. No, I’m not pregnant although I hear that’s all the rage with the kids these days (!).
I started painting again! It’s been many years really and I’ve been wanting to paint, but haven’t found the space/time/insert excuse here for my own painting. Until last week. I wanted to paint something for meine Mutti for Christmas so I buckled down and did it. It wasn’t easy or pretty or glamorous:
But I did it. And I actually like it. Progress, lovelies, progress.
Cheers to a creative 2015!
right now
right now I am
enjoying a quiet house
sipping Evening in Missoula tea
wearing flannel
missing the noise of wakeful children
embracing autumn’s beauty
mourning the loss of summer’s warm (er) waters
praying for dear friends and family who are ill, lonely, wanting and hurting
feeling grateful for my health and my beautiful children who amaze me every day
Wren started kindergarten last week. How did that happen?! I can’t quite believe it, but at the same time it seems just about right. She’s absolutely ready for it and tells me that so far she’s “rocking Kindergarten!” The day after Kindergarten started she was singing and dancing around, “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this day. I’m finally in Kindergarten!” Um, OK, five year old…
Even though she’s excited about it, full of confidence, popping out of bed in the morning, excited about new friends and learning Spanish and writer’s workshop… I have been grieving the loss of my baby. It really struck me right before Kindergarten started. I was a wreck. But the day came I was able to hold it together. This isn’t really about me. Roots and wings, roots and wings.
You’ve got roots and we’ll continue to nourish those for the rest of your life, but birdie, you’ve got WINGS. Fly!
Happy August!
The Birdies. 32/52
The birdies. 30-31/52
A portrait of my birdies, once a week, every week, in 2014. Or every couple weeks… and maybe more than a picture of each. Too many good ones to choose from this time around.
Phoebe Jane on the bay.
Wren Sabina, always the first one in.
Wren Sabina flying her plane in the stormy dunes.
Phoebe Jane trying to run from the storm.
Wren Sabina and cousin Griffin.
The girls together at the Detroit Zoo. This is the requisite Detroit Zoo photograph…
And a couple more from the Detroit Zoo. It rained, but we had a great time anyway.
the birdie swims!
I couldn’t be prouder of Wren right now! She ditched the floaty this weekend and started swimming. The process of watching her gain confidence and keep kicking and paddling and gain more confidence and start swimming was so wonderful. Swimming is one of my true loves and to be able to share that with my girls is incredible. Wren’s proud smile says it all. It’s a whole new era. We’re loving it!