Nesting in the nursery: veg out

This weekend I had some toddler-free time to work on little birdie #2’s room. Although we probably won’t move the new babe into its own room until about the time our new orange tulips (!) begin to pop next spring, I’ve been anxious to get a few nesting projects done in there. I’ve moved the rocking chair and changing table in, along with the baby’s clothes and diapers. Just the basics. Knowing that these little things are taken care helps me sleep a little better at night.

I wanted to create a unique, fun space for our new little one, but I also didn’t want to completely reinvent the wheel since we’ll just be reusing most of the things from Wren’s original nest. Had some paint left in the basement and then I was inspired to create a vegetable garden theme in the baby’s room when my Mom decided she wanted to make the baby this a-door-bell wall hanging we spotted over at PurlBee. I can’t wait to see it in person; I know it will be just perfect. Don’t you think?

So to carry out this veggie theme, I wanted to add a couple more details without being too cutesy, too baby, or too gender-specific. So I’ve been painting a fun carrot and beets border! Here are a few little sneak peeks:

I also wanted to create a little memento of this year’s garden, which helped to nourish the new little birdie so I saved some seed packets and framed them all together. I love that they say “packed for 2011.” Nothing fancy, but a nice little, meaningful addition to the new space.

Maybe if I *find* some extra time I will make a carrot pillow, or something fun like that. What do you think, lovelies? Have any other ideas for this space?

0 thoughts on “Nesting in the nursery: veg out

  1. Ashlea – I LOVE what you’re doing in there! Soooo cute! And framing the seed packets was brilliant. Hmmm … do you think Andy might like to make a veggie mobile? Didn’t he make the birdie one? I’m now in the final process of the wall hanging project – sewing the border around the edges. BTW, I was in a paint store recently and they were discontinuing their small sample paint jars – 4 for $5 – I got 16 different colors, which I will pass along to you. These jars hold enough paint for a lot of smaller projects (like veggies on the wall), without having to buy a much bigger container of special paint. I used one to paint a lamp base, and have PLENTY left over for another project. Can’t wait to see the new room, but more importantly, am getting super anxious to meet the new birdie!

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