drinking like a Montessori

This week started out with me sniffling in the car while trying to distract myself with the book Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It: And Other Cooking Projects. Recipes for crackers, marshmallows, strawberry jam and even limoncello couldn’t quite make me stop thinking about my little birdie’s first (partial) morning at “school.” I knew she would be fine (well, at least part of me did) and I knew in my heart that she would thrive in the Montessori environment, but I still had a hard time leaving her. Someone could’ve handed me a million bucks and I still would’ve been sniffling in the car, checking the clock every few minutes until the two hours had passed. It made me think of what Wren’s Grandpa Jon likes to say about parenthood: once you have children, you wear your heart on the outside. Sigh.

So how’d she do? Well, according to her Guide, she did OK for the first hour and then another baby started to cry and that upset her. Babies. They can be so empathetic! So for the next (almost) hour, she was sniffling too. Never full on crying, trying to hold herself together, be a big girl and all. Egads, that didn’t make me feel any better. So she goes back again today for another round and with a work meeting on my agenda, I won’t have the opportunity to sit in the car and sniffle so things WILL be better, right? I’m not exactly sure what Murphy’s Law of Parenthood has to say about that logic, do you? Don’t answer that.

Two mornings a week didn’t sound like much, but it’s been weighing heavy on my heart. Eventually, I know she’ll love it and I’ll be sad because she’ll cry when she has to leave school one day. Can’t win, can we?

So in the meantime this week, we’ve been having a very fun, wet week with a cup. Who knew that learning to drink from a real cup could be so much fun!? At school, the kiddos only drink from real cups. No sippy cups allowed. But she’s only 13 months old?! Yes, a cup. It’s been amazing and hilarious to watch her progress this week with the cup. It’s empowered her; she is so proud of herself with a real cup just like Mamma and Dadda. In the beginning of the week, most of it ended up on her lap. Like a bath at the dinner table. But now, more of it ends up in her mouth. So very cool!

And how cute is a baby drinking from a real cup? SO CUTE. Right?

By the way, if you’d like to find a beverage option that’s suitable for all family members, I recommend to check this out!

I’m sending lots of good karma into the world today, hoping it will bounce back (is that how it works?) and make Wren a happy little birdie today at school. Will you send out some good karma too, dear readers? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?

I hope things are happy and healthy in your nests. Have you been enjoying the first real week of summer?

0 thoughts on “drinking like a Montessori

  1. Ash – Grandpa Jon is absolutely right. The pain of separation never leaves a parent. Even today, whenever you or your brother have been vsiting or I have been visiting you, I still feel that pain when leaving. It does go away, but once you’ve experienced parenthood, you’ll always have it – just not as severe or long-lasting. Seeing Wren drink from that cup brought tears to my eyes – what a big girl – and obviously a quick learner! You’re doing just fine – and Wren will continue to thrive with you and Chris leading her. Lots of love to you all, Mutti. xoxoxox

  2. Ash,
    I so loved your post and I really am excited for Wren and her cup. I cannot tell you how exciting it was just to be an innocent bystanders so to speak the two springs I worked at Montesorri. I would watch in just a few very short weeks how each child became more and more, well, able to make choices for themselves–from sipping from a cup to learning how to sweep and clean up. I have few organizations that I believe in, but Maria Montesorri and her schools are truly role models for children being able to learn how to make decisions, but understand and be accountable in the great cause and effect of our actions.

    I am sending you good Karma this week and I cannot imagine how hard of a transition it must be for you, but maybe think how proud you will be and luckily with a dry lap or a kleenex or two. love you.

  3. Being in the shoes of Montessori guide, trusting the method and philosophy, reassuring parents year after year, I totally and completely fell apart when Bella started the toddler program. What do you mean I can’t come to her rescue when I see her crying through the observation window!? To hear everyone say that it gets easier is hard to swallow now but really, it does. It may take awhile for everyone to settle and that’s okay. Know that you will do Wren a world of good by encouraging an already very strong and independent will. We should get together soon so you and Bella can reacquaint and she can show off her minimal scarring and trauma from 5 years of Montessori schooling. 🙂

  4. I remember those days! I am a Montessori Directress at TCAPS’ Montessori and both of my own children have been in Montessori since they were three and two respectively.
    It’s amazing how independent thy become very quickly and how much they love the world around them and all it has to offer.

  5. Pingback: She walks! « squirrels in wren's nest

  6. Pingback: cutting work « squirrels in wren's nest

  7. Pingback: drinking like a Montessori, revisited « Be Squirrely

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