under the bed – 1

Under the Bed: a new series of documentation.

I took a video of an interview with Wren at 3.5 a little while ago and thought it would be fun to document the life of my wee ones in other ways than the thousands of photographs I’ve taken. I’m always a bit surprised and amused by what I find under Wren’s bed when I get to (finally) cleaning underneath there… so I thought it’d be fun to share. What do you think?


What other ways do you like to capture the snippets of your wee one’s lives as they race by? Find anything interesting underneath their beds recently? Other than the dust bunnies…?

stepping up

Next fall Wren will move up to the Primary class at her Montessori school and they honored the adorable graduating toddlers with a Stepping Up ceremony. There was lots of singing and waving. Ahh, toddler energy!

There were also some serious moments. Wren took her work during the ceremony very seriously. She also comforted her buddy by holding her hand. These kiddos really know how to tug at their Mama’s heartstrings.

Onward and upward to Primary we go!

party animal

You think you’re protecting your child from the pop culture wasteland by not watching TV or subscribing to trashy magazines. But I guess you just can’t protect them from everything. Case in point: Wren is really into pulling her shirt down and making a flashy, strapless “dress,” walking around with a glass of “beer” (apple juice) and saying she’s “going to a fancy party, see ya later.” Wait a second here little lady, I never even get invited to fancy parties or have anything that remotely resembles this “dress,” ouch!

Watch out world, we’ve got ourselves a true party animal.

two going on fourteen


  • takes really long showers
  • sleeps in on school days
  • says (or said), “go away! I don’t like you.” sniff, sniff
  • likes PopRocks and Cheetos
  • excels at negotiation
  • exhibits wild mood swings
  • enjoys talking about (and smelling) farts
  • likes talking on the phone
  • listens to loud music
  • laughs at her parents
  • stays up too late
  • fights for her right to party
  • hits boys and then kisses them
  • pesters her sister
  • loves passionately
  • thinks and acts independently
  • walks away without looking back

That’s right, Wren. Two going on fourteen. Many people (including strangers who interact with us for less than two minutes in the grocery store) have said to us, “wow, you’re in for it.” I’m not sure exactly what that means, but we’re hoping that she’s just getting some of her teenage behavior out of the way now. Hey you, I can hear you laughing at me. Stop that! Oof. Ahem.

Does this ring true for your two year old girl too? Thoughts, anyone? Are we really “in for it?”