The Birdies. 21/52

A portrait of my birdies, once a week, every week, in 2014.

Phoebe Jane. “I two and a HALF, Mama.” Oh yes, my darling, you are two and a half. You are such a pure joy!


Super duper big week for Wren. She had her dance recital and she turned five. More on both of those later. Just a little portrait now of my wonderful Wren Sabina, looking very much like five and not four anymore. Bittersweet.


The Birdies. 20/52

A portrait of my birdies, once a week, every week, in 2014.

Chris and Wren have had some fun dates lately. Last week he took Wren to Interlochen to see Into the Woods. They explored the beautiful campus and the BIG stages while they were there. Chris grabbed these shots of Wren on stage.

Dream big, kid, dream BIG.




And here is our sweet Phoebe Jane flying her first kite at Empire beach! Perfect day.


We’ve got a big week here, lovelies.

Wren will turn five (!) on Saturday and she’ll perform her tap and ballet routines in a recital the same day. Almost every day this week is full of some kind of birthday or dance prep or mini-celebration. In addition to our every day responsibilities… Ready, set, go!


Happy Mother’s Day


There was a time I didn’t know if I would have a family. My Dr told me not to give up hope for a family after we lost our first daughter, Ariel. I’m so grateful I found my hope again. And so very blessed to have these strong, smart, beautiful people in my life. I love you, birdies.

Happy Mother’s Day!


The birdies 13/52-17/52

Oh my, am I remiss in my weekly portrait posts. I’ll try to catch up in one hodge podge of a post. The blog has taken a back seat to life in the real world. That’s how it goes sometimes, eh?

So here goes, lots of portraits in one post – and not even in chronological order. As you’ll see I’ve been using my phone’s camera feature more too so the quality isn’t the best. But I guess I’ve seen worse, so I’ll just leave it at that and move on! Onward.

Easter 2014. Chris took the girls Easter dress shopping this year for the first time. Don’t they look smashing?!


So Phoebe isn’t a big fan of the camera right now…IMG_0988

Both birdies at Triple Falls again.IMG_0832

Kid in the candy store.


Soda fountain. Wren’s watchful eye.IMG_0677

The girl hardly EVER naps. Except on long road trips after some light reading.


Spring has sprung. Ice cream season is here!


This kid. She loves her naps. And her “owl penguin.”


One of the highlights of our trip was the time we spent at the Belle Isle Conservatory in Detroit with my Mom. A beautiful place and newly reopened. It felt so great.

Wren. Flower arranging.


Phoebe Jane on the loose.



Phoebe and Wren at the Belle Isle Nature Center (now called the zoo).


As soon as it hit 70, the girls were in their swimsuits in North Carolina. Funny kids.



I’ll try to get back on the regular weekly posting wagon, but I’m not going to make any promises… Any links to your portraits that you’d like to share?! I’d love to see them.

The birdies. 12/52

Portraits of Wren and Phoebe each week, every week of the year.

As it turns out, I’m not very good at editing. A couple pics of each girl, plus a couple of them together.

Chris knew I didn’t quite get enough winter, so he got us out of the house today for a glorious return to the ice caves. The sun felt so great on our cheeks even though the thermometer didn’t get above twenty. Kind of strange when 20 feels warm enough to take your coat and mittens off… it was so quiet and still. No wind at all. We all needed some fresh air and had an unforgettable time playing around. We love you, winter! More pics later this week. Just a sneak peek now…


Phoebe loved to sit and eat the fresh powder. Um, hello, this is a once-in-a-lifetime (um, now twice) experience!


Watching out for polar bears.IMG_0170

Wren was putting on an ice show for us. Bummed we didn’t bring her skates!


Wren is peeking her head over the top. Gives it a good sense of scale…

And a couple more pics of our time on icy West Bay earlier in the week before the recent snowfall. Sisters:


Don’t worry about the cracks, lovelies. The ice is at least 18 inches thick. Yes, it’s been that cold. We’re going to be swimming here in three months?!



The birdies. 11/52

Portraits of Wren and Phoebe each week of the year.

This week’s captures:

Wren plays outside in a sundress. Still mountains of snow in the back yard, but it hit the mid 50s that day! Today? Back to single digits. We know this dance well, don’t we?


Some indoor bowling fun! Of course she chose the pink ball. Pink everything these days for Wrennie Pie. She wanted to look “really pretty” for celebrate her best friend, Maddie.


Phoebe Jane reading a Maisy Mouse book. She LOVES Maisy as did Wren at this age. It was too quiet in there so I went to check on her. I’m thinking she’s either drawing on the walls or pooping on the floor because you guys, these things happen as you know. THIS kid…


And one more of Phoebe. My napping angel.

photo 2

help self!

The littlest birdie is getting feisty. Could be that she’s got a mild (!) case of spring fever or maybe, well, yes, she IS two. Very two right now.

Me: Phoebe, may I help you with that? Phoebe: Me. Help. SELF, MAMA!!!!

She’s been picking out her clothes.


And melting our hearts. Because she’s mostly sweet with a side of feisty. A great combination, don’t you think?
