Happily cool and rainy

Wet, cool fall has decided to officially arrive in northern Michigan after making a brief appearance then quickly running away for the blazing hills for about two weeks. It’s actually quite a relief because I don’t have the guilt of not playing in the backyard when I’ve got a mountain of indoor projects that I’d like to tackle. Funny how that works, isn’t it? After a trip to the grocery store and long enough at our local children’s museum, we’re settled back in our nest while the rain coats the windows outside. It feels good. Looks like this weekend will be chilly and rainy too and I’m looking forward to lots of indoor (nesting) projects like figuring out what I want to do with this surprise bounty of October tomatoes. I’m starting with about six pints of salsa and then moving on to tomato jam if I have some tomatoes left. Any other ideas, lovelies?

What fun things do you have planned for your weekend? Are you looking forward to a lazy weekend in your nest? I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Bundling up in northern Michigan…

0 thoughts on “Happily cool and rainy

  1. dinner with friends tonight (i’m treating it like it’s a party, though it’s only 2 friends). Just a wonderful excuse to cook a ton of food. 🙂

    State Fair tomorrow with Peter’s sis’s family… weather is supposed to be wonderful.

    Not particularly restful, but very much looking forward to a fun few days.

  2. Pingback: nesting: salsa and pacifiers « squirrels in wren's nest

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