Beating Snowmaggedon

Happy February, lovelies! Is today a snow day in your nest? “Snowmageddon” stayed south of us, which is just fine because I really didn’t want Chris to spend another evening shoveling off our roof. Oof.

Although our local big-box stores are already pushing Easter candy, bikinis and grass fertilizer, it’s still very much the heart of winter here in northern Michigan. A friend told me once that we gain two hours of sunlight in the short month of February and this always perks me up a bit. Have you been struggling with the winter blahs in your nest? Cabin fever mixed with a bit of happy-to-wear-a-heavy-sweater feelings around here.

That leads me to the point of this whole post (finally, geesh!). No foreseeable plans to head somewhere tropical this winter?Bring a tiny taste of someplace warm to your nest in the form of exotic fruits! I bought starfruit the other day and for about a dollar-ish, we took a short trip to the tropics. Although this clearly flies in the face of my quest to eat local/seasonal/sustainable, I figured that the investment in our mental health was worth the food miles the starfruit traveled.

Lovelies, how do you like to stay bright and cheerful this time of year? Or do you resign yourself to being a grumpy pants for several months? Do you embrace it or try to escape? A bit of both? I’d love to hear your ideas. Please and thank you.

0 thoughts on “Beating Snowmaggedon

  1. I’m glad we’re not getting this latest snow storm too. My husband is a little disappointed! Our driveway snow banks are already up to my chest! I’m loving the sunshine trying its best to peak through today. It makes the snow pretty and actually makes you want to get out in it. We’ve ordered some snow shoes. They should be here any day now. I can’t wait. The picture of Wren with the starfruit is beautiful. Thanks for your thoughts and pictures. They always make me smile.

  2. I love to eat Cara Cara oranges after skiing or maybe just have the orb in my back pack and eat it on the trail. Here’s to February!

  3. I had decided to embrace our long winter with days on the ski slopes to pass the time. My efforts were thwarted early on with my ski injury! Now I’m trying to muster up positive attitude about knee surgery AND the rest of the long winter, Yikes!

    • I know what you mean about the seasons. We love the dynamic weather here, but I could go for a little CA sunshine right about now. The grass is always greener, no?

  4. Pingback: just plain weird « squirrels in wren's nest

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