the bump

As you can see, I’m finally past the awkward stage of early pregnancy where people don’t really know for sure if you’re pregnant or if you probably just had a really long winter (read: brats and beer).  A bit of both would likely be true… But no, I’m definitely looking pregnant these days and at 22 weeks, even the cashiers are commenting to me about how I’m going to have my hands full as they chuckle through the little birdie’s shenanigans and stare at The Bump.

We’ve had a gloomy, chilly, rainy, lots-of-movies first official week of summer here. The upside? It looks like a jungle out there! The downside? It really IS a jungle out there! Clover has overtaken our garden, hmmpph.

Got any big weekend plans, lovelies? I hope to pickle the last of spring’s radishes – this will allow me to check something off my summer list! Woot-woot!

I hope you have a wonderful, restful weekend. XO

0 thoughts on “the bump

  1. I was going to say the same thing- that you can still see your toes :). Sure hope it feels like summer again soon!

  2. Pingback: the jungle « squirrels in wren's nest

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