Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to this tiny corner of Cyberspace and Happy 2011 to you!

I’ve been blogging here at BeSquirrely for one year now and thank YOU, dear lovelies, for clicking in on me from time to time and following my drivel. Without you this really wouldn’t be anything so I thank you for your encouragement to keep posting through your comments and e-mails. This year I plan to continue posting regularly and am thinking about a smallish site redesign and possibly looking for sponsorship this year too. Any small businesses interested? I’m here to make you a fabulous offer… ha!

All the best to you in 2011!

And yes, my favorite color is still orange.

0 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary!

  1. Do you know Tracy Coe of local online store, Hazelnutkids? I could introduce you two. She is a parent at our school, could be a good business connection. Look up her store and let me know.

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