felt finds.

Just had to share a few felted things with you this afternoon that I think are really cool (err, warm). Felted items are so cozy – and inspiring! Perfect for today, gloomy gloom gloom.

Scarf by Super Maggie. LOVE their stuff. Isn’t this funky?

… and then there’s Edgar the Squirrel – an Etsy find. Awwww. Click on him for more pics – I just really loved his tail. Don’t you just want to snuggle up with him?

0 thoughts on “felt finds.

  1. Yikes – kid food is a slippery slope! Once they get a taste of that stuff it is very tempting (for both kids and parents to fall into those easy ruts.) Evey had his first “chicken nugget-thing” at Costco a few weeks ago. After he took his first bite of the thing he held up the empty tooth pick and proclaimed – “Mom – this is delicious! You really need to try this!” Also, I feel like the novelty packaging of the kid food makes it the “gateway drug” to full-on fast food. My boys are not the greatest eaters – but we keep trying with them and don’t give in to the kid’s menu very often and for all they know the Golden arches are still McBathroom.

    Jack Johnson and Bob Marley make for great kids music!

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