Sunday Confessions. Again.

Being that it’s Sunday, I think a confessions-only post is à propos again. It’s been a while, no?


  • I’ve been feeling bad since last Sunday morning about this one… There’s a woman who’s been coming to yoga and she drives an Escalade. I couldn’t help but shudder, immediately judge and have all sorts of strange, conflicting mean thoughts. Escalade yogini? What?! I’ve been wrestling with it all week. What makes it even more strange is that she seems just absolutely lovely. So what’s up with the Escalade? And furthermore, why do I even care?
  • Before Wren (BW), I used to scoff at parents who attempted to shove food into their children’s mouths while the wee ones were on the go. Know what I mean? So I caught myself off guard this week when I found myself doing just that. Turns out there is sometimes a reason for these kinds of things…
  • A went through the Wendy’s drive-thru for a quick lunch on the go (kiddie burger meal with an under 3 toy, please) this week. Turns out it was Earth Day too. There was a lot wrong with that whole picture… on so many levels.
  • I keep thinking that I’d like to try a “no white stuff” approach to eating while I mindlessly munch on a few chocolate chips and a handful of potato chips or two to get me through the afternoon. Pretty sure it would be a huge improvement over my current approach to eating and I know the first couple days would be the toughest, but but but. Turns out a handful of carrot sticks is really not that satisfying, at least not in the same way, right? Sigh.
  • I bought my first “anti-aging” facial moisturizer this week. Ouch. Something about my laugh lines being not-so-fine anymore drove me to throw it in the basket. This week I also bought some thick, goopy eco-friendly sunscreen for Wren. Hoping this will help her on the right track to keep her skin looking oh-so-lovely when she’s 33.
  • This is terrible. I was so much more saddened this week by the news that *my* yoga studio is closing than I was by any other news in the past year. Michael Jackson and Haiti didn’t even compare. Isn’t that awful? Boy, hormonal, sleep-deprived human nature sure is strange.
  • I was a bit too obsessed this week with my blog stats because of the Ohdeedoh article on Wren’s Nest. Made me ponder why I do this? For me? For you? For the collective good and fun of it all? To become rich and famous, make a million bucks and retire to Tahiti? hehehe, snort, guffaw.
  • So our electric bill was much higher this month and we’re thinking it’s probably because we’ve been eating in a lot more. Stove/oven usage. Factoring in the cost of our electric, it makes we wonder if all those inexpensive homemade pizzas are really costing us more than if we were to order in. Just can’t win, can we?

Have a happy Sunday, dear readers. It’s drizzling here and a perfect day for nesting. The morel hunters are getting very excited! What’s it like in your neck of the woods?

0 thoughts on “Sunday Confessions. Again.

  1. You’re obsessing about obsessing. You’re over-thinking (unfortunately you got that from me). Relax. Stop beating yourself up. You’re darn near perfect.

  2. Pingback: three year blogiversary « Be Squirrely

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