The birdies 13/52-17/52

Oh my, am I remiss in my weekly portrait posts. I’ll try to catch up in one hodge podge of a post. The blog has taken a back seat to life in the real world. That’s how it goes sometimes, eh?

So here goes, lots of portraits in one post – and not even in chronological order. As you’ll see I’ve been using my phone’s camera feature more too so the quality isn’t the best. But I guess I’ve seen worse, so I’ll just leave it at that and move on! Onward.

Easter 2014. Chris took the girls Easter dress shopping this year for the first time. Don’t they look smashing?!


So Phoebe isn’t a big fan of the camera right now…IMG_0988

Both birdies at Triple Falls again.IMG_0832

Kid in the candy store.


Soda fountain. Wren’s watchful eye.IMG_0677

The girl hardly EVER naps. Except on long road trips after some light reading.


Spring has sprung. Ice cream season is here!


This kid. She loves her naps. And her “owl penguin.”


One of the highlights of our trip was the time we spent at the Belle Isle Conservatory in Detroit with my Mom. A beautiful place and newly reopened. It felt so great.

Wren. Flower arranging.


Phoebe Jane on the loose.



Phoebe and Wren at the Belle Isle Nature Center (now called the zoo).


As soon as it hit 70, the girls were in their swimsuits in North Carolina. Funny kids.



I’ll try to get back on the regular weekly posting wagon, but I’m not going to make any promises… Any links to your portraits that you’d like to share?! I’d love to see them.

Return to Triple Falls

Earlier this spring we took a road trip to North Carolina. We made sure to bring Chris to Triple Falls since he didn’t come with us last time. It was one of our favorite things from our trip two years ago when I took the girls down by myself. Not much had changed at the falls…, but the pictures show how much the birdies have grown. Here are some great pics that my Dad took when we visited this year. Enjoy!










It was a gorgeous day. I had forgotten how great 68 and sunny feels after our epic winter! No jacket! No hat! No mittens! Aaahh. I could actually get used to this kind of weather. Here in northern Michigan, we’re still betting on when the last snow pile in our yard will disappear. I’m betting May 1. There’s still ice on the lakes up here, people! Wow.

Happy weekend!

Triple Falls

Another highlight from our trip to North Carolina was a balmy evening spent at Triple Falls. Apparently, part of “The Hunger Games” was filmed here, as well as “The Last of the Mohicans” so it’s been drawing quite a few tourists although it wasn’t busy when we were there. I can easily see why. It’s incredibly beautiful; I could only imagine just how much more stunning it was a couple weeks earlier with the forest of rhododendron in bloom. Although I was sorry to have missed the rhododendron, it was so nice to take a little hike and be rewarded with a misty spectacle at the top. Even Phoebe squealed and kicked when we were in the mist. And Wren had a blast playing on the slippery rocks and giving me constant heart attacks as there is nothing between your quick child and the falls. Fencing? Ha.