last day of vacation


We are having a lazy, pajama-clad, art-filled last day of vacation. Monday it’s back to school time again! I think we’re all ready for a little bit more structure… Looking forward to taking down the Christmas decorations and getting things organized around here. How are things in your nest? Are you back to school already?

an amazing little girl


We received Wren’s first “report card” from her Primary Montessori class. The teacher diaries were full of comments that made me cry so I wanted to share them with you too. So proud!

“Wren is a wonderful addition to our room. She makes us laugh and brings such joy to our days. She enjoys “writing,” artwork, practical life, getting snack ready, and the sensorial area. She is beginning to learn to share her friend Maddie with others. Wren demonstrates great excitement and passion for life that is contagious! She is an amazing little girl.”

She has “mastered” the following areas:

  • demonstrates self-confidence
  • demonstrates curiosity about the world

Proud Mama. Sniff, sniff.