five months

Our sweet, charming and lovely Phoebe Jane is five months old now. She rolls over from front to back and back to front, grabs and plays with toys, giggles and squeals (especially with her sister), and just started exploring the first few tastes of solid foods. Oh baby, you’re getting to be so big and able! Actually, she’s petite, but she seems so big to me! She’s on the cusp of 12 pounds now and brings us so much joy in such a small, delightful package. xo

old hair, new hair

In this Mama’s eyes, Phoebe is in the quintessential baby phase. When I picture a “baby,” I think of this stage from about four to eight months. She’s got the funny comb-over look going on with her hair where the long, fine newborn hair is still hanging on while the new hair is coming in and she’s just beginning to really play with things. And she’s got a movie star smile that never fails to cheer us up. Oh little doll baby, we love you so.

four months

Our sweet and lovely Phoebe Jane is four months old! She loves to snuggle in her blankie and play an infant version of peekaboo with us. We are just so thankful to have such a wonderful baby in our presence: easy-going, tolerant of her sister’s antics, engaging, charming. What a gift for whom we are so very grateful. We love you, little sister! But stop growing up so fast, will ya?

ten pounds

On the cusp of three months, our sweet Phoebe Jane now weighs ten pounds. That’s like a big sack of potatoes, a medium bowling ball, two small chihuahuas or forty sticks of butter. Except that she’s so much cuter. And her sister agrees saying, “oh Phoebe, I love you so much I want to hug your arm.” Hey, her arms are pretty delicious looking. And those chins too.