party animal

You think you’re protecting your child from the pop culture wasteland by not watching TV or subscribing to trashy magazines. But I guess you just can’t protect them from everything. Case in point: Wren is really into pulling her shirt down and making a flashy, strapless “dress,” walking around with a glass of “beer” (apple juice) and saying she’s “going to a fancy party, see ya later.” Wait a second here little lady, I never even get invited to fancy parties or have anything that remotely resembles this “dress,” ouch!

Watch out world, we’ve got ourselves a true party animal.

0 thoughts on “party animal

  1. Maybe she and Helly can get together to have wine and w(fr)uit. That’s what he is having at his party. I love those pink little tootsies and that squishy little toddler arm!

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