You think you’re protecting your child from the pop culture wasteland by not watching TV or subscribing to trashy magazines. But I guess you just can’t protect them from everything. Case in point: Wren is really into pulling her shirt down and making a flashy, strapless “dress,” walking around with a glass of “beer” (apple juice) and saying she’s “going to a fancy party, see ya later.” Wait a second here little lady, I never even get invited to fancy parties or have anything that remotely resembles this “dress,” ouch!
Watch out world, we’ve got ourselves a true party animal.
Maybe she and Helly can get together to have wine and w(fr)uit. That’s what he is having at his party. I love those pink little tootsies and that squishy little toddler arm!
Perfect! We’re lucky enough to get to see him tomorrow and we’ll ask him if he wants to party…
So adorable!