thank you, lovelies

Thanks for clicking in on me today. I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for you, my lovely readers. Truly! Your comments and e-mails to me are important and I value this interaction. Many people leave home every day to go to a job where there is a paycheck and they have a water cooler or a coffee station, or an area where the donuts and cookies accumulate (and disappear): some kind of collective space to take a break, reflect, gossip, connect. When I’m home all day, every day, as a Mom, many days run together like a marathon of tantrums, crocodile tears, laughter, snuggles, negotiations and wonder, a roller coaster of emotions. And really early mornings when I try to cram in some work to pay my bills.

This space, Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail often serve as my water cooler, a place to share and connect. So from me to you, thank you!

If you also find value in what you find here, subscribe to the blog over there on the right-hand side. You’ll receive an e-mail when something new is published. Or heck, throw some change at me, to keep it going. My readership is growing each week and I’m thinking of adding a few sponsors to help keep ye ole blog going too. Know any small businesses who might be interested?

So happy to know you and appreciate your participation in this funny Cyberspace. Bliggity blog on!

0 thoughts on “thank you, lovelies

  1. I love your blogs – they keep me up to date as to what you’re all up to – but you broke from tradition today! Isn’t it Wordless Wednesday? Regardless, it’s always a treat for me to get your blogs emailed to me as they come out. See you next week!!!! xox

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