40 weeks + a time warp?

We made it to 40 weeks! It’s in the upper 30s and a bit blustery here in northern Michigan so I’m bundled in a wool sweater with my favorite winter scarf (thanks, Nic!). The baby is still in there somewhere, I assure you. I’ve never been this pregnant before. Uncharted territory, lovelies! Oof. Looking forward to meeting this new little birdie and beginning to reclaim my body. Enough already! Ahem.

I feel like something strange happened between Monday’s quick grocery shopping trip and yesterday’s trip, like I went through a time warp. I was under the impression that Halloween was just around the corner, but my milk was dated December 19!  I looked to my left and spotted egg nog, walked a little bit more and the peppermint ice cream jumped out at me, then in the produce area, fresh cranberries and pomegranates? Yikes.

Please don’t tell me you’re already done with your Christmas shopping because I haven’t even finished (err, started) my spring cleaning yet this year, lovelies…

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