a gift from the baby

I’ve been reading a lot lately about ideas for welcoming a new baby into your family and thinking about how to best prepare Wren for her new little birdie friend. There is a great discussion on preparing siblings for the birth of a new baby with lots of different ideas over at Design Mom that have inspired some of my thoughts. One simple thing someone shared was to have a small gift for the sibling FROM the baby and I thought this was a great idea. So I went downtown today to one of my favorite shops and found a cuddly, sweet little bear for Wren that will be given to her when she visits us in the hospital. Soon!

Have any traditions in your nest when you welcome a new baby home, lovelies?


0 thoughts on “a gift from the baby

  1. Some of Stacey’s friends did this for Jonathan when Christopher was born. Jonathan remembered for years that his baby brother gave him a Barney when he was born. It is a very sweet idea.


  2. Ashlea! I hope you are hanging in there. I never thought to get anything for the big sisters. But we made notes for the baby to welcome her. They’re a nice addition to the baby book. You can see the one we made for Willa here:

    and Clara’s:

    Hang in there! 🙂

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