Thank you, weather committee.

Although Sunday is two days away and a lot can happen (this IS northern Michigan after all), I’m thrilled with the weather committee’s work. Sunny and 80 “they” are predicting. Yahoo for an outdoor garden party with lots of very small people because an indoor garden party is kind of ridiculous, right? So happy about this that I already made a little sign to hang across the front steps.

Still lots to do, but I’m just tickled to be celebrating the little birdie’s first birthday party that my excitement is sort of trumping my fatigue/stress/anxiety. In the midst of it all, we’re refinancing 605 and the appraiser guy is coming this afternoon. All that finance stuff makes my head spin, but luckily Chris is in my life and he makes me feel at ease about all of that yucky number stuff. Ugghhh. I know it’s worth it, but when it rains it pours, eh?

Have any fun summery weekend plans? I’m so very looking forward to seeing lots of family and friends. I’m pretty sure I’ll need a vacation come Tuesday, but in a good way.


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