monday, monday.

la la la la la la.

Every other day, every other day,
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes
You can find me cryin’ all of the time

Well, not really, but I like that song. While Mondays aren’t nearly as fun as Saturdays or Sundays, it can be nice to step back into a bit of a routine again after a fun weekend with the family. Strange how when I had a rigid schedule like a 9-5 (err, 8-6) gig so lovingly provides, I craved a bit more fluidity and spontaneity in my work life and now that I can barely scrape together any semblance of a schedule, I crave routine, order and control. Humans are just plain weird creatures. (Speak for yourself, lady! OK. Point taken.)

In an attempt to control some of my mild chaos, I like to make lists. Sometimes I write them down on scraps of paper and sometimes I use a simple Web site: Backpack. Check it out – it’s a cool organizational tool – good for sharing with a group of people too. Usually, I can check off a couple items from my list, but not enough to make me feel like I had a very productive day. To thwart any rising feelings of inadequacy, I often write down some other things I did accomplish that I didn’t think to put on the list. And then proceed to cross them off. Lame? Yes. Does it feel good? Yes.

change diaper


change diaper


change diaper


change diaper


change diaper


just kidding, I don’t write those down, but now that I think about it, I just might. Wow, what a day! The addition to my list might look more like this:

sew butt hole up in yoga pants

Now that looks really bad when written out, doesn’t it?, but I had a gaping hole in the back of my yoga pants. How else should I have written it? sigh.

Well, folks, happy Monday to you! May your coffee be strong and your Vitamin D intake be more than adequate.

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